Perforce Commands Cheat Sheet

  1. Perforce Commands Cheat Sheet
  2. Perforce Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf
  3. Perforce Commands Cheat Sheet 2019

At work we’re using Perforce as a version control system. I was looking for training videos but didn’t find a lot of useful videos.However I’ve found two videos (part 1 and part 2) which seem to give a reasonable explanation about the Perforce-specific terminology and Perforce command line commands.

Perforce 2009.1 Command Reference: Help: doc help index info file syntax view syntax global options file types keywords Client view: client clients flush sync have where Files: add delete diff diff2 dirs edit files fstat lock move print rename revert sizes tag unlock Changelist. Git Cheat Sheet: Commands and Best Practices JRebel by Perforce Our Git commands cheat sheet includes commands, tips, tricks, best practices, and more. Download the free Git cheat sheet PDF, inside. Savior Labs Strategic Technology. Perforce is an old version control system popular in big companies. P4 is its primary commandline tool. P4g is its GUI tool. The reference for all the commands in my cheatsheet is the p4 command reference. To get help on any p4 command named foobar: $ p4 help foobar.

AutoSys CheatSheet Quick Reference While working with AutoSys either on Windows OR Unix environment, commands are same and you should have something handy to execute AutoSys command quickly on any mentioned environment. Below I will show you frequent sued command Continue reading →.

Client Programs:

  • Command line: P4
  • GUI: P4v
  • Web based: P4Web
  • Plug-ins (Visual Studio, Eclipse, …)


  • Depot: contains a versioned file
  • Sync: getting files from server to a local machine
  • Check-out/open: marking files for modification
  • Change list: a number assigned to every submit
  • Revision: commit on a file creates a new revision on the file
  • Workspace/client: a setting which maps depot files to a client
  • Job: a group of change lists
  • Label: an element used to group different revisions of files

Set environment variables:

  • Set P4PORT=servername:portnr
  • Set P4USER=user_name

Configuring the client:name/root/view: Bohren and der club of gore sunset mission rar.

  • p4 client joe-dev

Syncing the code:

  • Set P4Client=joe-dev
  • P4 sync
  • P4 sync //depot/… -> by default all the files will be populated on the client machines as ‘read-only’

Adding file(s):

  • Create a file, e.g.: notepad myFile.txt (in the right folder)
  • P4 add myFile.txt
  • P4 submit -> opens a notepad window to enter the description of the submit. Type it, save and close the file.
  • P4 submit -d “my comment” -> submits all files with a comment
  • P4 submit -d “my comment” theFile -> submits one file specified with it’s name with a comment

Edit an existing file:

  • P4 edit myFile.txt
  • Notepad myFile.txt
  • P4 submit

Delete a file:

  • P4 delete <file name>
  • P4 submit

Go to change list/revision:

  • P4 sync <path>@cl_number
  • P4 sync <file_path>#rev_number

Look for the history:

  • P4 changes: prints submitted change list log
  • P4 filelog <file_path>: prints file revision history
  • P4 filelog <dir_path>: prints file revision history for all the files in the directory

Working with saved change lists:

  • By default files will be opened in the default change list
  • P4 change opens notepad to add a description
  • P4 edit -c <saved_cl_number> <file_name>
  • P4 submit -c <saved_cl_number>

Handling conflicts (e.g. a file has been edited by several users):

  • P4 resolve: opens an editor to resolve the conflict
  • Resolving in the GUI: screen opens with 3 views of a conflicting file:
    • Middle: the original source
    • Left: changes from the other user
    • Right: changes from you


  • Create new branch:
    • p4 integrate //depot/mainline/… //depot/release/product1.0/…
    • P4 submit
  • Do some fices on the 1.0 branch
  • Merge fixes from 1. to mainline:
    • p4 integrate //depot/release/product1.0/… //depot/mainline/…
    • P4 resolve
    • P4 submit


  • P4 job: opens notepad to add a description about a job
  • P4 fix -c <cl_number> <job_name>


  • Create a label with a file revision: p4 tag -l <label_name> //path/…#rev
  • Create label with a change list: p4 tag -l <label_name> //path/…@cl_num
  • Create a label with current client files: p4 labelsync -l <label_name>
  • Sync the label: p4 sync -l //path/…@<label_name>
  • Print a list of files added to a label: p4 files @<label_name>

Update 2013-08-02: the official Perforce cheat sheet.

Perforce is an old version control system popular in big companies. p4 is its primary commandline tool. p4g is its GUI tool. The reference for all the commands in my cheatsheet is the p4 command reference.

  • To get help on any p4 command named foobar:
  • To list all depots:
  • To view info about your workspace:
  • To list environment variables that P4 understands and their values:
  • To view all clients of all users:
  • To view all clients of a particular user or yours:
  • To create or view or change the configuration of your current client or default client:

You typically use this command to add new branches or paths from the depot to your directory view.

  • To create or view or change the configuration of a new client or existing client with a name:
  • To delete a client from the server:
  • To sync all the latest branches and paths of your client from the depot:
  • To list (and not actually sync) the unsynced files between workspace and depot:
  • To sync only a specific directory or file use its depot path:
  • To sync a specific changelist to your working directory:

Copy, move and delete

  • To copy a file or a directory (including its subdirectories and files):
  • To move a file or directory:

If the move operation is disabled for your Perforce server, then check out these alternate solutions.

  • To delete a file or directory (including its subdirectories and files):


p4 commands related to changelist are collected here.


  • To view all the changelists from the server:

This will list all changelists of everybody, so it is pretty much useless. You want to filter it down using other criteria, like shown below.

  • To view all the changelists of a particular depot:
  • To view all the changelists of a particular branch in a depot:
  • To view the most recent 5 changelists added to the server:
  • To view the changelists added by a particular user:
  • By default, a single truncated line of information is shown for each changelist. To view the complete description of every changelist:
  • To list changelists, with each description limited to 250 characters:
  • To view the changelists of a particular status, say pending:
  • To view the changelist checked out in the current workspace:
  • To add a new file, either cause you want to create a new file or add an existing file to be tracked by version control:

If it is a new file, then you will need to create the file yourself after this command. This command just indicates to p4 to start tracking such a file.

  • To delete a file:
  • To delete a file and record that to a particular changelist:
  • To open a file for editing:
  • To revert a specific file or all files in directory with versions from depot:

Note that you will lose changed made your files on disk with this operation. This operation can be used after shelving a changelist to revert the files back to their original state.

  • To revert back only unchanged (but opened) files:
  • To view the currently changed files as seen by p4:

File information

  • To view the changelist of a file:
  • To view the log of a file:
  • To see a beautiful timelapse view of file history, it is better to view it in p4g by right-clicking the file and choosing Timelapse view. The color of the lines show their age and the slider can be used to move through history.

  • To print all the lines of a file:

  • To print the revision numbers of every line of a file:
  • To print changelists for every line of a file:
  • To print the user who last changed every line of a file:


  • To view the diff of all currently open files:

This prints a text diff at the shell by default. If you set the P4DIFF environment variable to a GUI program, like Meld, it will use that to show the diffs.

  • By default, the diff is shown in P4's own format. To display in the unified diff format that is understood by most tools:
  • To view the diff of opened files that are actually changed:
  • To diff two files in the depot:

This prints a diff at the shell. Set the P4DIFF2 environment variable to a GUI diff program to view the diff using that.


To create a new branch from an old branch, there are typically 3 steps:

First, create the branch:

Now the branch is created, but you cannot yet view the files in the new branch in your filesystem.

Perforce Commands Cheat Sheet

Second, change the client specification add the new branch files to your view and sync:

Finally, submit the new branch to depot: Atala hacker manual.


Perforce Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf

  • To merge, resolve automatically and finally only resolve merge conflicts manually:
  • After an integrate, show what files cannot be resolved automatically:

Perforce Commands Cheat Sheet 2019

  • Copy a specific changelist 123456 from one branch and apply it on another branch: