Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet

This article is mostly intended as a quick reference for myself.I cover a very limited subset of uses of various SAS statements and procedures;those which I have been using more or less repeatedly.

. FOR EACH STATEMENT CREATE TRIGGER beforeinsertperson BEFORE INSERT ON person FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE storedprocedure; Create a trigger invoked before a new row is inserted into the person table COUNT returns the number of elements of a list SUM returns the total of a list MAX returns the maximum value in a list MIN returns the minimum value. The SQL cheat sheet provides you with the most commonly used SQL statements for your reference. You can download the SQL cheat sheet as follows: Download 3-page SQL cheat sheet in PDF format Querying data from a table. The syntax for the CAS statement that starts the session is very straightforward, as you can see here: cas session-name; There are currently 28 options that you can use in the CAS statement. For a complete list of options, see the. SAS ® 9.4 and SAS Viya ®.

Variables mixins darken adjust-color @for @each @while @if @else $list: (a b c) $map: (a: b, c: d) One-page guide to Sass.

Libname documentation

Proc importdocumentation.

Remark: if nothing works, an easy way out is to use the import wizard (File -> Import Data).The generated command can then be saved in a file and inspected or modified.

CSV Files

Dbf files

INSEE dataset for instance

MS Access databases

Sas dataset from directory

To import C:pathtodirTable1.sas7bdat.

For someone who has been programming, SAS macros can feel very unintuitive.They are very much the tell-tale sign that the SAS language has been designedfor statisticians, not for developpers nor computer scientists.The easiest way to think reason about them is to think about the macro systemof the C preprocessor: SAS macro are mostly working as a text replacement tool,with some quirks.

Simplest macro:

Without variables, it is as simple as it gets.

With a loop

Variables, including loop variables, can be accessed with the &var. syntax.The loop syntax is close to for-loops in the usual languages.Documentation.

With parameters

As previously, we use the &var. syntax to access the content of a variable.

Using externally defined macro variables

This is a bit more tricky. Assume you want to loop through the columns in a table.One way to do it is to define macro variables with convenient names, convenientmeaning indexable.

The data _null_ statement allow one to operate without creating a dataset which isthe default behaviour.The symput('varname', v) function assigns a value v to a variable called 'varname'.In the loop body, we then use the usual &var. syntax to access the loop variable value.However, we are not done: we need to further resolve Colname&i. to what we have definedin the data step.For this, we use the &&var1&var2. syntax, meaning 'first resolve var2 to its value, thenresolve the resulting expression.The process as I figure it out in my mind is the follwing:&&Colname&i. -> &&Colname1 -> &Colname1. -> 'ID'.

The sgplot procedure is fairly easy to use and flexible enough for most purposes.The only catch which has turned up to be utterly annoying is how the order of categoricalvariables is handled. I could not get it right even when sorting the data.The axescommand documentation is very useful.

Series for plotting lines

A simple example for theseriescommand.

A more complex example with groups, formats, custom colors and a legend.

Band for range of values

This one is very handy for plotting min - max values.

Vbar for vertical barplots.

Most of the options forvbarare valid forhbar.

Grouping data:

Density to visualize 1-D distributions

Sgplot'sdensityis very simple to use.

A useful alternative is proc univariate'shistogram statement.

Plotting maps is a bit more involved so I wrote a dedicated article:Plotting maps in SAS.

Proc formatcan be helpful in various cases beyond the obvious usage. Here are some samples.

Defining intervals for numerical values

Getting a summary about missing values

Writing the results of a query in a macro variable.

Datalines statement for making dummy datasets

The SQL cheat sheet provides you with the most commonly used SQL statements for your reference. You can download the SQL cheat sheet as follows:

Querying data from a table

Query data in columns c1, c2 from a table

Query all rows and columns from a table

Query data and filter rows with a condition

Query distinct rows from a table

Sort the result set in ascending or descending order

Skip offset of rows and return the next n rows

Group rows using an aggregate function

Filter groups using HAVING clause

Querying from multiple tables

Inner join t1 and t2

Left join t1 and t1

Right join t1 and t2

Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet

Perform full outer join

Sas syntax cheat sheet example

Produce a Cartesian product of rows in tables

Another way to perform cross join

Join t1 to itself using INNER JOIN clause

Using SQL Operators

Combine rows from two queries

Return the intersection of two queries

Subtract a result set from another result set

Query rows using pattern matching %, _

Query rows in a list

Query rows between two values

Check if values in a table is NULL or not

Managing tables

Create a new table with three columns

Delete the table from the database

Add a new column to the table

Drop column c from the table

Add a constraint

Drop a constraint

Marquardt beauty mask. Rename a table from t1 to t2

Rename column c1 to c2

Remove all data in a table

Using SQL constraints

Set c1 and c2 as a primary key

Set c2 column as a foreign key

Make the values in c1 and c2 unique

Ensure c1 > 0 and values in c1 >= c2

Set values in c2 column not NULL

Modifying Data

Insert one row into a table

Insert multiple rows into a table

Insert rows from t2 into t1

Update new value in the column c1 for all rows

Update values in the column c1, c2 that match the condition

Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet Pdf

Delete all data in a table

Sas Syntax Cheat Sheet Answer

Delete subset of rows in a table

Managing Views

Create a new view that consists of c1 and c2

Create a new view with check option

Create a recursive view

Create a temporary view

Delete a view

Sas Graphs Cheat Sheet

Managing indexes

Create an index on c1 and c2 of the t table

Create a unique index on c3, c4 of the t table

Drop an index

Managing triggers

Create or modify a trigger


  • BEFORE – invoke before the event occurs
  • AFTER – invoke after the event occurs


  • INSERT – invoke for INSERT
  • UPDATE – invoke for UPDATE
  • DELETE – invoke for DELETE


Sas Operators Cheat Sheet


Delete a specific trigger