Service Httpd

  1. Service Httpd Status
  2. Service Httpd Status
  3. What Is Httpd In Linux

Httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server program. It is designed to be run as a standalone daemon process. When used like this it will create a pool of child processes or threads to handle requests. In general, httpd should not be invoked directly, but rather should be invoked via apachectl on Unix-based systems. /sbin/service httpd restart: Note: If running the Apache HTTP Server as a secure server, it may be necessary to type the server password whenever using the start or restart options. After editing the httpd.conf file, however, it is not necessary to explicitly stop and start the server.

Service Httpd

HTTP Daemon is a software program that runs in the background of a web server and waits for the incoming server requests. The daemon answers the request automatically and serves the hypertext and multimedia documents over the Internet using HTTP.

By default, the httpd service does not start automatically at boot time. If you would wish to have Apache startup at boot time, you will need to add a call to apachectl in your startup files within the rc.N directory. A typical file used is rc.local.As this starts Apache as root, it is recommended to properly configure your security and authentication before adding this call.

HTTPd stands for (i.e. Web server).

  • In this series of articles we’re going to set up an Apache Web Server and walkthrough the various Apache configurations and features. To start with this article will cover setting up a basic Apache server with the default out-of-the-box apache configurations. Announcement You can find all my latest posts on medium. You can follow along.
  • The httpd RPM installs the /etc/init.d/httpd script, which can be accessed using the /sbin/service command. Starting httpd using the apachectl control script sets the environmental variables in /etc/sysconfig/httpd and starts httpd. You can also set the environment variables using the init script.

Some commonly used implementations are:

  • BusyBox httpd
  • CERN HTTPd HTTP server
  • Cherokee HTTP server
  • Hiawatha HTTP server with Reverse proxy functionality
  • Lighttpd HTTP server
  • NCSA HTTPd HTTP server
  • Nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server
  • OpenBSD's httpd (since OpenBSD 5.6)
  • The abstract Web server concept
  • Thttpd HTTP server
  • TUX web server aka kHTTPd

See also[edit]

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Learn how to install and configure Apache web server in Linux. Understand the httpd configuration file and how to start, stop & enable Apache (httpd) in Linux.




Apache, also called Apache http server is an open-source web server. A web server, of course, is responsible for handling web requests from various computers hitting the web. (No web server, no website).

Just as there is an Apache web server, there are also a lot of web servers out there such as Nginx, IIS, Tomcat, etc.

Tomcat is also called Apache tomcat because it is developed by the same company that developed Apache (Apache Software Foundation)

Apache is a very popular and commonly used web server and can run on both Linux and Windows operating systems.

Just as Nginx, Apache can handle hundreds of thousands of connections trying to fetch information from the web concurrently.

With Apache, you can customize your configuration by using the “.htaccess” file.

When it comes to the Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, they all work perfectly well on Apache, even without less or no configuration, hence why most web hosting companies use Apache and now Nginx as their web servers.

Apache application/daemon for Linux is “httpd”

The same way you start other services on Linux is also the same way Apache is started.

To start Apache, use the command

To Stop Apache, use the command,

To enable Apache, use the command,

core apache configuration file is in the path /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf)

Let’s see the contents in this file.

search for the line “DocumentRoot”

you can see the httpd document root (/var/www/html). It is one of the important parameters in the httpd configuration file.

Every website file will have to be on this path. The document root can be changed, especially for hardening web server security.

We will look at how to successfully change the document root of httpd when we get to the advanced configuration in another lesson.

httpd by default listens on port 80.

If you know LEMP stack, you will also know LAMP stack.

LAMP stack consists of (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). They are all web development software used to manage web applications.

How to install LAMP stack in Linux (RHEL 8 / CentOS 8)

To install Linux (RHEL 8) click here.

And Of course, in the “ACTION TIME” of this lesson, we will install Apache & configure a basic website.

To install MySQL, click on this link

To install PHP, click on this link.

Having understood what Apache is, let’s get to installing and configuring Apache for a basic website.


How To Install & Configure Apache httpd On Linux (RHEL / CentOS 7 & 8)

we will look at how to configure Apache for a basic website.

1. Install Apache web server

2. create a web file in the document root location.

3. Start the httpd service

4. If you wish, you can enable the httpd service

5. Verify the service has started

6. Test your configuration

You can use any browser or use a text-based browser such as elinks.

To use elinks in RHEL 7, install elinks by using the command,

To install elinks in RHEL 8 or CentOS 8, click on this link

7. Now that elinks has been installed, do a test.

press the enter key to open the file

Service Httpd Status

You can see that the web server is properly configured.

Service Httpd Status

In another tutorial, we will look at the advanced configuration of the Apache web server

What Is Httpd In Linux

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